
Adding custom image in title slide in Beamer

You can add an image on the title slide in beamer using \titlegraphic{}. Its position is dependent on, i.e. defined by, the used theme.
\title{Fooing the Bar}
\institute{MWE Lmt.}
Alternatively you can place an image inclusion macro in one of the other title page macros, e.g.\institute{...} is good for adding the institute name as well as the logo. You are allowed to use line breaks there.
 \institute{Foo Research Institution\\[\medskipamount]
Finally, you also can place the logo on an absolute position of the titlepage using tikz ortextpos. Here an example using tikz:
\title{Fooing the Bar}
\institute{MWE Lmt.}
\titlegraphic{\vspace{8cm}}% to push the other text to the top
   \tikz [remember picture,overlay]
    \node at
        ([yshift=3cm]current page.south) 
        %or: (current page.center)

If you want that appair the logo in all slices I think that you need the option logo in the preamble(for example after of the option \author)
where # is a number between 0 and 1 and is used to scale the size of image. I use with theme 

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