
Align text and image on the same line?

Since you mention the need to precisely position the text, may I suggest using TikZ? Here's an example that uses one node for the image, and two nodes placed using the positioninglibrary to have a horizontal gap of 5 mm to the image, with their vertical centers positioned 5 mm and 23 mm below the top of the image:
enter image description here
The image is taken from Wikipedia
\node (bottle) {\includegraphics{normflasche}};\node [left=0.5cm of bottle.north west, yshift=-5mm] {Cap};\node [left=0.5cm of bottle.north west, yshift=-23mm] {Pearls};\end{tikzpicture}

Other way

Development Phase

enter image description here

Production Phase

enter image description here

Source Code


% put figure 
% add an annotation to mouth
% add an annotation to feet
% turn of this grid in the production phase!

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