You can add an image on the title slide in
using \titlegraphic{
. Its position is dependent on, i.e. defined by, the used theme.\documentclass{beamer}
\title{Fooing the Bar}
\institute{MWE Lmt.}
Alternatively you can place an image inclusion macro in one of the other title page macros, e.g.
is good for adding the institute name as well as the logo. You are allowed to use line breaks there. \institute{Foo Research Institution\\[\medskipamount]
Finally, you also can place the logo on an absolute position of the titlepage using
. Here an example using tikz
\title{Fooing the Bar}
\institute{MWE Lmt.}
\titlegraphic{\vspace{8cm}}% to push the other text to the top
\tikz [remember picture,overlay]
\node at
([yshift=3cm]current page.south)
%or: (current
If you want that appair the logo in all slices I think that you need the option logo in the preamble(for example after of the option \author)
where # is a number between 0 and 1 and is used to scale the size of image. I use with theme
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