
Installing textext extension of Inkscape in Ubuntu

Recent versions of Inkscape have functionality for creating math from LaTeX code, but its functionality is limited. If you want a more powerful system which creates an editable (and re-editable) latex object with support for loading custom packages and definitions, then you wantTeXtext. See the screenshot below.

As of the new Inkscape 0.48, the LaTeX extension seems to work very well. I didn’t see anything that let me put in place a custom preamble, but you can load packages. So for most tasks, the packaged LaTeX extension that comes with Inkscape 0.48 works very well!

Installation is straightforward. You’ll need to have a TeX distribution installed. I usually have the full TeX Live metapackage from my distro. In the case of Ubuntu, it’s just

sudo apt-get install texlive-full

Now you can go through the business of installing TeXtext. Start by installing the dependencies, which are
  • Pstoedit with its plot-svg back-end compiled in, or,
  • Pstoedit and Skconvert, or,
  • Pdf2svg (the one by David Barton & Matthew Flaschen, not the one by PDFtron) and
  • lxml Python library
Again in Ubuntu, this can be done with

sudo apt-get install pstoedit pdf2svg python-lxml

I find that just having pstoedit doesn’t work, despite the fact that the plot-svg driver works fine. 

Now, download and extract the TeXtext files, and place them in~/.config/inkscape/extensions/.

To install under Windows, check out the instructions in the post


in this blog or on TeXtext website.

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